I find it amazing and terrifying how quickly my emotions change. Last Friday I published my first blog!! I was so excited and my adrenaline was rushing~ i felt like i could do anything.

 A day and a half later i was filled with dread. What was I doing? I had nothing left to say- what if no one related to what I was saying- who wanted to read about my experiences?  I let fear overcome me. When I started work today I told myself ~ it will be fine  (all the while shoving this sick feeling I was having deep deep inside). Everything I tried to learn went wrong. Then everything began to all mesh together so none of it made any sense at all. That’s okay. ( This is not what most of my brain is saying~~ it was screaming come on your wasting time)  But again I say that’s okay. I am learning something new. More importantly I am putting myself out there. Which if you know me~ is not something I want to do. I am the person who shy’s away from talking to new people. The person who just wants to be seen as a good person but not really seen. So today I have gotten nothing accomplished except I walked through the fear. Yes I feel sick to my stomach and yes i want to run away screaming but maybe  next time it wont be so bad.


Think about something you are afraid of. Tackling a project- people looking at you in a new  art, exercise, dance class or just being yourself. Take a small baby step with me. I promise the people who judge us the harshest is ourselves. Chances are the person beside you in that class is as afraid as you are. Come on ~ take a small chance ~ walk though the fear with me

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